Bri Castagnozzi of Solarpunk Magazine on Solarpunk, Art, and AI

In this episode, Brianna Castagnozzi, one of the editors-in-chief of Solarpunk Magazine, is here to give up the solarpunk artist’s eye view on solarpunk art and AI; a very different take than the solarpunk hacker’s view given to us by John Threat in season three episode seven. As much as I (Christina) was convinced by John’s advice not to stick your head in the sand but to master the tools of your capitalist overlords, Bri has equally compelling points about not joining into an activity that exploits the work of artists without their consent and without compensating them.

Join us!

You can follow Bri and her art at @mosshawkarts on xitter and Tumblr and at @mosshawk_arts at YouTube and Instagram.


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