Solarpunk Music to Inspire Action with Thomas Cannon

On today’s episode, Ariel talks with Thomas Cannon about solarpunk music and his new album MESH NETWORK. What was the inspiration behind this work of solarpunk ambient music? What is solarpunk music, anyway, and how can it help us today to create the just, sustainable, and equitable future that we all want to live in? Join us for a discussion of the album tracks, artwork, instruments, the process of collaborative music-making, and more.


You can stream or buy MESH NETWORK at; bundled with the album purchase are the liner notes for each track as well as a beautiful art book.

EXCLUSIVE: Solarpunk Presents podcast listeners can get 50% off at checkout with the code “solarpunkpresents”

You can find and follow Thomas Cannon on his Bandcamp profile and at his personal website,

Connect with Solarpunk Presents Podcast on Mastodon, or at our blog

Connect with Ariel at her blog and on Mastodon

Connect with Christina at her blog, on Twitter @xtinadlr, and on Mastodon

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Creating a Solarpunk Society in the Big City with Lindsay Jane


Beirut: Finding Your Future in a Nearly Failed State, With JD Harlock