Getting Ready to Get Rid of the Solarpunk Cave to the New Tunes of Lana Del Rey
Today, because it was too dismal and rainy to finish digging the evil ground elder roots out of my strawberry patch, I started ripping the wallpaper off of the walls of the Solarpunk Cave. This meant saying goodbye to the cave paintings I started to make a couple of years ago, because they were exactly the sort of thing that belonged on the grungy old walls of the grotto.

My First Peek Into the Pandora's Box That Is Text to Image
I was working in Canva today, producing the cover for the upcoming Episode 6 of Season 2 and, whoa, there was suddenly a text-to-image option. Setting aside, for the moment, the issues associated with using AI to generate images, of course I had to put it through some paces. Know thine enemy, I could say, but to be honest, I was just curious and the text box was just sitting there, waiting patiently for me to type something in.